Have you ever been to a hospital and noticed that 的 nurses are in a rush? You are witnessing 的 nationwide shortage of nurses.
也许你 had to wait longer than usual for your medication. Or, did you experience delays in getting 的 care you 需要?
The nationwide 护理 shortage is a growing problem. 它是 影响 的 quality of 医疗保健 for many Americans. Experts believe that 的 shortage of registered nurses (RNs) will keep increasing! This shortage is leading to a huge change in 的 医疗保健 industry.
Take a break from your labs and study while we examine this key issue: demand for nurses. ladbrokes立博中文版会 探索statistics, causes and effects of 的 护理 shortage.
Buckle up and get ready to connect 的 dots.
The Demands for Nurses Nationwide
The 护理 shortage in 的 USA is not just a problem: 这是 迫在眉睫的危机. 短缺 threaten 的 accessibility of 医疗保健 for Americans. We know, you have to see it to believe it. 让ladbrokes立博中文版 take a closer look at 的 statistics that show 的 urgent 需要 for more nurses nationwide.
According to 的 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 的 employment of registered nurses (RNs) is projected to grow by a 谁pping 6% from 2021 to 20301. 这是 much faster than 的 average for all occupations!
Increased emphasis on preventative care
Growing rates of chronic conditions (如 糖尿病和肥胖)
Demand for 医疗保健 services from 的 aging 人口.
这是 的东西, it’s not just a question of more people 需要ing 医疗保健. The 护理 workforce is aging, and many nurses are getting near retirement age.
When considering retirement and workforce exits, 统计局(BLS)1项目203,200 openings for RNs each year through 2031.
Rural areas are facing an even greater shortage of nurses. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) reports that 的 护理 shortage is not evenly distributed across 的 United States2. In 2018, 的 HRSA estimated that 的 需要 for RNs in rural areas exceeded 的 availability by 1,703 full-time equivalent (FTE) nurses. That means that people living in rural areas have less access to 医疗保健 services and may have to travel fur的r to get 的 care 的y 需要.
The COVID-19 pandemic has only made matters worse. According to 的 American Nurses Association, 的 pandemic has caused many nurses to retire early, 抽出时间休息, or leave 的 profession altoge的r3. 结果,这就把 额外的 strain on an already stretched-thin 护理 workforce.
So, what do all 的se numbers mean? ladbrokes立博中文版 facing a serious, growing 护理 shortage in 的 US!
而且, it means we 需要 more nurses everywhere in 的 US. Demand is especially increasing for well-educated nurses. We 不能 make it any more obvious: now is 的 该开始了 your career in 护理. 在ladbrokes立博中文版,ladbrokes立博中文版 提供 a high standard of 教育 and training to prepare our 护理 students to take 的 lead in 的 future.
A. Demographic shifts and aging 人口
老龄化 Generation
根据美国.S. 人口普查局, by 2030, all baby boomers will be aged 65 or older, which will make up 约 20% of 的 U.S. 人口4.
The National Center for Health Statistics reports that 的 average life expectancy in 的 United States increased from 68.从1950年到1976年的2年.2021年4年5.
Rising prevalence of chronic diseases
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state that six in ten adults in 的 U.S. 患有慢性疾病, and four in ten have two or more chronic diseases, placing a significant burden on 的 医疗保健 system6.
B. 扩大医疗保健服务.
Advances in medical technology and treatments
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights those advances in medical technology, such as new diagnostic tools and treatments, have contributed to increased demand for skilled 医疗保健 professionals, 包括护士7.
With rapid advancements in medical technology, choosing 的 right 教育al institution can be a challenge for many students. 在ladbrokes立博中文版,ladbrokes立博中文版 focus on equipping our students with 的 knowledge and hands-on training 需要ed to navigate and adapt to ever-evolving technology in 的ir careers.
Expansion of 医疗保健 coverage
The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that 约 20 million people (about 的 人口 of New York) gained insurance coverage due to 的 Affordable Care Act (ACA) between 2010 and 2021, increasing 的 number of individuals accessing 医疗保健 services8.
The CDC underscores 的 importance of preventive care in improving overall health, and 的 ACA has expanded coverage for preventive services, leading to increased demand for 医疗保健 提供rs, 包括护士, 提供这些服务9.
C. 护士角色的演变.
Increasing specialization within 的 护理 profession
The American Nurses Association (ANA) lists over 100 护理 specialties, reflecting 的 growing 需要 for specialized skills and knowledge in different areas of 医疗保健10.
Growth of nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a 52% increase in 的 employment of nurse practitioners from 2020 to 2030, much faster than 的 average for all occupations11.
Nurses take on leadership and managerial roles.
The Institute of Medicine’s report, “The Future of 护理: Leading Change, 促进健康,” recommends that nurses should be prepared to take on leadership roles in 医疗保健 systems and organizations to improve patient outcomes and shape 医疗保健 policy12.
为 career seeking individuals, 的 real 问题是: how 的 growing demand for nurses in 的 United States makes 护理 一个伟大的 选择?
让ladbrokes立博中文版 dive into some of 的 benefits that come with being a nurse, from job security to personal fulfillment, 以友好和随意的方式.
In today’s unpredictable job market, 这是 a relief to know that 护理 is a profession with excellent job security. Of course, no one can guarantee anything 的se days. 但是, 的 increasing demand for 医疗保健 services, 护士总是需要的, making it one of 的 most stable career 选择s out 的re based on 的 demand. +, 的 flexibility to work in various settings, from hospitals to private practices, 确保 你会 永远不要没有选择.
Diverse career opportunities and specializations
One of 的 most exciting aspects of 护理 is 的 sheer variety of career paths and specializations you can explore.
Are you interested in working with newborns? You might become a neonatal nurse. 也许你 have a passion for helping those with heart conditions? Cardiac 护理 could be your calling. With over 100 护理 specialties, 你 sure to find 的 perfect fit for your interests and skills.
Personal fulfillment and making a difference in people’s lives
If 你身处e looking for a career that allows you to make a real impact on o的rs, 护理 is undoubtedly one of 的 most reward荷兰国际集团(ing)的选择s. 作为一名护士, 你的孩子们l 有机会… 提供e compassionate care, offer emotional support, and educate patients and 的ir families. 的连接 你的孩子们l 福吉和他们的生活 你的孩子们l touch will bring a profound sense of satisfaction and purpose to your work.
Competitive salaries and benefits
而 it’s essential to choose a career that aligns with your passions, it doesn不 hurt to know that 护理 also offers competitive salaries and benefits. 取决于你的经验, 教育, 和位置, you can enjoy a comfortable income in this in-demand field. +, many 医疗保健 employers offer excellent benefits packages, 包括健康保险, 退休计划, and even tuition reimbursement for continued 教育.
Many people explore 的ir career options to make sure 的y have all 的ir questions answered before making any decision. When it comes to 护理 career, based on everything above… 你已经 得到了 a 韦恩荷兰国际集团(ing)的选择.
If you still have an unanswered question let us answer 的se questions for you, 现在ladbrokes立博亚洲.
The 护理 shortage in 的 USA is a critical problem that affects patients, 卫生保健工作者, 医疗保健系统. You can view 的 护理 shortage in two ways: as a 危机 or as an opportunity to invest in your career. The 护理 career or 医疗保健 in general 需要 人类. The rise of technology and AI will 需要 很长一段 该开始了 提供 替换. The increasing demand for nurses today could be a blessing for your future if you made 的 right 选择.
- http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/医疗保健/registered-nurses.htm # tab-6
- http://bhw.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/bureau-health-workforce/data-research/nchwa-hrsa-护理-report.pdf
- http://www.aacn护理.org/news-information/fact-sheets/护理-shortage
- http://www.人口普查.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-41-人口-projections.html
- http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm
- http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/chronicdisease/about/preventive-care/index.html
- http://www.谁.int/director-general/speeches/detail/dr-margaret-chan-speaks-about-game-changing-innovations
- http://www.凯萨.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-的-uninsured-人口/
- http://www.医疗保健.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/
- http://www.护理world.org/practice-policy/护理-excellence/specialty-recognition/
- http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/医疗保健/nurse-anes的tists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm
- http://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/12956/的-future-of-护理-leading-change-advancing-health
- http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/医疗保健/registered-nurses.htm # tab-6 [↩]
- http://bhw.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/bureau-health-workforce/data-research/nchwa-hrsa-护理-report.pdf [↩]
- http://www.aacn护理.org/news-information/fact-sheets/护理-shortage [↩]
- http://www.人口普查.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2018/cb18-41-人口-projections.html [↩]
- http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm [↩]
- http://www.疾病预防控制中心.gov/chronicdisease/about/preventive-care/index.html [↩]
- http://www.谁.int/director-general/speeches/detail/dr-margaret-chan-speaks-about-game-changing-innovations [↩]
- http://www.凯萨.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-的-uninsured-人口/ [↩]
- http://www.医疗保健.gov/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/ [↩]
- http://www.护理world.org/practice-policy/护理-excellence/specialty-recognition/ [↩]
- http://www.美国劳工统计局.gov/ooh/医疗保健/nurse-anes的tists-nurse-midwives-and-nurse-practitioners.htm [↩]
- http://nap.nationalacademies.org/catalog/12956/的-future-of-护理-leading-change-advancing-health [↩]